Axis is a Danish NGO founded in 1995 which is working with development projects .
The organisation mainly works in South America (Peru and Bolivia). In the summer of 2010 another project was started in Ghana in Africa. In working with economically and socially marginalised communities Axis is specifically focusing on organisational development, education, health and sustainable development.
As an example Axis is helping the inhabitants of the Peruvian island of Taquile in lake Titicaca in achieving ownership of the islands booming tourism. Another example is sexual education in Bolivia where knowledge among the youth about sexually transmitted diseases and women's rights are almost non-existent.
Axis is a members organisation, led by an elected board with a paid administration. As of 2010 the number of members had exceeded 350.
Axis is cooperating with a wide range of Danish and foreign foreign aid organisations, educations and professional and social networks. Furthermore Axis is also responsible for sending out young students on education internship to its collaborate organisations in Peru, Bolivia and Ghana. Each years Axis is sending out approximately 30 students on internships.